10 Ways To Beat Artist Block

You are an artist. Artists are expected to create art. But sometimes, you just can't seem to find the inspiration. You've brainstormed. You've probably started a bunch of projects but, no inspiration. Don't worry, you're not alone.

Today, I’ve come up with 10 ways to beat the dreadful artist block.


1. Relax

  • What do you do when you are running out of ideas? You panic. Unfortunately, that's the last thing you need. Panic aggravates artist block. Relaxation, on the other hand, would get you out of it faster.

  • Are you coming off of a busy project or a hectic season? You may not have artist block, you might just be tired and your well is empty. Take time to recharge before you start another project. It’s ok to unavailable.

2. Declutter

  • Yes, I know. What does cleaning up have to do with your mind? A lot, actually. Decluttering helps you feel less stuffed and creates the kind of ambiance that boosts creativity. Clean your studio and a few other main areas of your living space to start fresh.

3. Exercise

  • Simple things like taking a nature walk down to the park or hitting the gym hard will help improve your mood and get you back in charge.

4. Find Inspiration

  • Make a new mood board and create fresh ideas. You can also search the hashtag #dtiys (draw this in your style) on Instagram to pick up inspo from other artists.

5. Make Mini Art

  • If you think about if, you only need a small sheet of paper to be creative. Making mini art is so satisfying. I get lost in the process of making small portraits.

  • The painting to the right is 4x4 in painting in acrylic. They give me so much peace and I can’t wait to make more.

6. Create in a New Place

  • Go somewhere different. This is kinda hard for me, I get anxious when I draw or paint in public. I feel like everyone’s watching me. The reality is, people think it’s cool and find it interesting when they see artists outside. Think about when you see other artists out in public, doesn’t it give you motivation?


7. Change Your Medium

  • Try things you normally don't use. Instead of oil painting, try pencil. Instead of portrait photography, try pottery.

  • Create on surfaces you don’t normally use, like glass, metal, or paint a piece of furniture you find on FB marketplace.

8. Focus On One Project At A Time

  • Muti-tasking has always been praised but I’m only able to focus on one painting at a time or I get overwhelmed. I’ve tried to work on 2 or 3 projects at a time but one always seems to suffer a bit since I’m spreading myself thin.

Sketchbook Sample.jpg

9. Look At Your Old Work

  • Try to recreate an old painting or add on to an old project that you really liked.

10. Play

  • Give yourself permission to mess around. Sometimes, we get uptight by work and forget to play. Learn to work hard and play hard.

Bonus: Narrow Down Your Ideas

  • Is it that you have too many ideas and you want to do them all at the same time? Think about the following:

    • What are you good at?

    • What types of projects are you most likely to finish?

    • What supplies make you happy?

    • What skills come naturally?

Answer those questions and it should lead you to a project that will lift your spirits and help you get creative. I hope this helps!

Leave me a comment below!

I’d love to hear from you. If you’ve tried this project or find this post inspiring let me know.

Thanks for stopping by & have a creative day!

xo, Danielle.png

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